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Mill Bread

Wheat and Rye with crispy Crust and soft, open
Crumb with a complex taste and flavor
The cold and long fermentation in the fridge gives the volume
On this day, many old corn mills, saws, mills, etc open the doors to visitors. The Swiss Mill Day is organized by the Swiss Association of Mill Friends VSM. In this context, the mill close to my home where i get the organic flour, the Graf-Mühle Maisprach celebrated the inauguration of a new flour mill, which will exclusively be used for organic flour.

New organic mill
in Maisprach
Organic Rye, Wheat and
The "new" grain mill in Maisprach dates from 1950 and will certainly make many more years of good service. This mill is then exclusively used for organic flour.
The second mill is used for grinding IP-Suisse Grain and has so far been used alternately also for the production of organic flour.

The miller Sami Graf explains with evident commitment the various steps from grain to flour. In the mill, there are basically only three types of grinding and filters.
links Weissmehl, rechts Kleie
The well-known and respected Ruchmehl (special dark wheat flour in Switzerland) is obtained after the removal of white flour and therefore contains a portion of the outer shell layer. It contains more protein, minerals and vitamins. Ruchmehl is so superior to his biological nutritional value of the white and half white flour.
The mill is meanwhile powered by electricity although a water
wheel was recently renovated
Obviously homemade bread is offered in the small shop
The summer wheat is on the way....
Let us now get finally to the real star of the day, the mill bread that was baked from the freshly milled organic flour. The recipe is taken from the book "bourke street bakery" by Paul Allem and David McGuinness. It is called "Miller Bread". The name supposedly comes from the so-called miller flour, which is the remaining flour of a mill day, especially whole wheat flour, wheat flour and rye flour. Of course, no residues are used here, but the composition is promising a rustic flavor of whole wheat and rye and a soft texture from white wheat flour.
It is easy to produce, excess of sourdough can be used and the overnight cold fermentation grants a relaxed baking day - just simply take it out of the fridge, let it finally rise and bake it in a very hot oven with steam. A wonderful daily bread which also finds it favor on Sunday. Wonderful crust, open crumb and a variety off flavors - absolutely recommended.
It is a pure sourdough bread and the oven spring is exclusively received form the vital sourdough and the high oven temperature of 270 degree in the beginning of baking.
Here is the recipe for three small loaves....

Sourdough (refer to separate section)
    • 400 g. Sourdough
        • One Day before the baking day at 1 pm
          • 50 g. Mature Sourdough Starter
          • 25 g. Bread-Flour (for myself i use a mixture of 50% Whole Grain Wheat Flour and  50% (0,36 parts Zopfmehl and 0,64 parts of Halbweissmehl) - which is then similar to the All-Purpose-Flour or 550 in Germany)
          • 25 g. Water
          • let it rest at room temperature (20 - 24 degree)
        •  continue at 9 pm on the day before baking day
          • 100 g. of refreshed starter from 1 pm
          • 50 g. Bread Flour (50% All-Purpose and 50% Whole Grain Flour)
          • 50 g. Water
          • let it rest at room temperature (20 - 24 degree) 
        • Next day, baking day, 6 am
          • 200 g. of the refreshed starter form the previous day
          • 100 g. Bread Flour
          • 100 g. Water
          • let it again rest at room temperature until the starter is mature - this may take about 6 hours or more. You can do the float-test - therefore take on teaspoon of starter and put it in a glass of water. If it remains on the top then your starter is mature and you can us it for baking. 
    • 400 g. Sourdough
    • 550 g. All-Purpose Wheat Flour
    • 50 g. Whole Grain Flour
    • 150 g. Rye Flour (light or dark version according to your taste)
    • 375 g. Water
    • 20 g. Salt
    Stir together Sourdough, Flour, Water and let it rest for 30 minutes (Autolyse). Kneed for 10 minutes on lowest speed and add the salt at the end. Continue kneeding for about 5 minutes until the dough dissolves from the bottom. Let it rest for 2 hours at room temperature (20 to 24 degrees) and make one fold after 60 minutes. Divide the dough into three pieces and preshape as bowls. Let it relax for 15 minutes.
    Shape them as batard and put them seem side up on a baking linen.
    Cover with plastic and proof in the fridge at 5 degree overnight 8 to 12 hours. The next day, remove it from the fridge and let it finally rise at warm temperature (28 degree) for about 1,5 hours until volume improved obviously. Make the fingerprint test.
    Bake at hot temperature (270 degree) for 10 minutes dropping to 230 degree and continue for 25 minutes. Release steam after 15 minutes.
    This recipe is forwarded to YeastSpotting


    1. A lovely rustic loaf! I can almost smell its fragrance here on the other side of the world. It is wonderful to have access to that local mill. A baker's dream! I also love the picture of the growing wheat... How do you like your new camera so far?

    2. Thank you!
      Yes, the smell of freshly milled grain is amazing and i really enjoyed it.
      It was the first time when i used the New Camera but it needs some more practice...
